Now that your business has started and you have sold a few things, unless you have found a golden egg the hard work still continues. In other words you have to work hard to keep getting the sales figures you need and want.
It is important that you keep the momentum going and not get complacent, if you don’t keep promoting, the orders will dry up.
If you use the internet keep your website updated, sell your products on eBay, Etsy and as many other sites as you can. Keep ‘chatting’ with your followers on Facebook, and offer incentives, discounts or give-aways. Be prepared to vary your products if the customer is wanting something slightly different.
Another good way of getting your products known is by attending craft fairs, there are many around, and a lot of them will be very local. Check out your local papers, schools and church halls.
If it is your first craft fair it can be a daunting experience. How much stock do you take? How do you display your products? How do you price them? What else do you need to take? Well the Crafty Network have some good tips and advice!
Good luck and enjoying building up your business!
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