
a picture showing nine different pictures of different craft materials including ribbons and felt
a picture showing nine different pictures of different craft materials including ribbons and felt

There are many different types of craft materials

What is craft?

Craft is about making things. It is an thoughtful and physical activity where the maker explores the infinite possibilities of materials and processes to produce unique objects.

Having a craft as a hobby is to enter a world of wonderful things which can be challenging, beautiful, sometimes useful, extraordinary, and helps you to understand and enjoy the care which has gone into their making.

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There are a multitude of colours that you can sew with
There are a multitude of colours that you can sew with

There are a multitude of colours that you can sew with

Sewing can be very daunting, but once you have started, the sky is the limit for what you can sew.

You can make household items such as curtains, aprons and cushions; children’s clothes – particularly fancy dress outfits; to making clothes for yourself including lingerie and coats.

You can sew by hand, and some things are much better done by hand, but it much easier to do bigger projects by sewing machine.

If you are new to sewing and in particular to a sewing machine, here are some videos to help you get started.

How to sew a straight seam

How to sew on a button

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Knitting a scarf


Knitting a scarf

Learn how to knit your own mittens, hats, scarves, and more.

Here you can find step-by-step instructions and teach you how to cast on, knit (garter stitch)and cast off.

Once you have mastered these basics, then the world is your oyster.

Here are some websites that show you the basics:

Here are some videos that are easy to follow.
How to cast on:

All the basics:

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Card Making

An example of a beautiful handmade card
An example of a beautiful handmade card

An example of a beautiful handmade card




Making greeting cards can be something that you do with your children, make for your friends and family, or turn you hobby into a business selling hand made greeting cards!

Here are some sites that can get you started with this hobby

Here is a video showing you how to make a beautiful card.

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A crafty business

Setting up a craft business
Setting up a craft business

Setting up a craft business

So now you have a new hobby making craft and gift items, and you really enjoy doing it.

Then one day someone says that you ought to sell them! But could you? Would you like to branch out and turn your hobby into a business?

Do you think that you would still enjoy your hobby if you had to make things to order or to build up a stock? If the answer is yes, then you have a chance of turning your favourite hobby into a business.

Check out other craft businesses
There are many people who have set up their own business based on crafts that they started as hobby, just have a look on Facebook and type in the search ‘handmade’ and there will be a long list of pages that are advertising their wares.

Search for 'Handmade' on Facebook

Search for ‘Handmade’ on Facebook

Is it really as easy as that? It can be, but you need to find a niche in the market. Unless you are really lucky, you are not likely to hit it big in the first month.

I ‘fell’ into my business, after I had made myself a handbag and purse, something I had wanted to do for a long time – it was more of a challenge to myself.

As I also work full time, I used my handbag for work and people remarked on how nice it was. Then one person said: “Please can you make two for me?”

That was the start! But once you have started, there are then many other things that you need to think about, because once you have sold something and made even the smallest amount of profit – you will need to share it with the tax man!
Next page pricing

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